The Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are an urgent call for action to tackle the world’s most pressing issues.

The Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are an urgent call for action to tackle the world’s most pressing issues.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

In 2015, the United Nations launched the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The agenda provides a blueprint for building a greener, fairer future for all. 

At its heart are 17 Sustainable Development Goals, also called the Global Goals. These goals are an urgent call for action by all UN countries to work in partnership to tackle the world's most pressing issues. Find out more about each goal from our Bristol 17 Heroes below.

Graphic showing each of the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals.
Man holding up sign showing Global Sustainable Development Goal 1, no poverty.

Tackling the causes and effects of poverty

Woman holding up sign showing Global Sustainable Development Goal 2, zero hunger.

Eliminating hunger and ensuring food supplies for all

Man holding up sign showing Global Sustainable Development Goal 3, good health and well-being.

Ensuring the wellbeing and rights of disabled people across Bristol

Woman holding up sign showing Global Sustainable Development Goal 4, quality education.

Sustainability at the heart of education

How can we all play our part?

Improving health and education, reducing inequality and tackling climate change are all inextricably linked. That's why the Global Goals recognise that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand.

The Global Goals can be reached, but only with creative solutions and widespread education and engagement. And although the goals can seem overwhelming, there are many positive actions we can all take to make them a reality. Check out our projects below for some ideas!

Our Projects


Sparks Bristol

Visit Sparks Bristol, an innovative hub of sustainability, creativity and education in the heart of Bristol.

GGC- Voices - Artist Group Photo

Voices: Art is Refuge

Celebrating the work and creative resilience of Bristol-based artists from the refugee and migrant community.

Graphic showing people holding up signs, each showing one of the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals.

The Bristol 17 Campaign

Bristol heroes tell their stories of how they are working towards the Goals and challenge us all to play our part.

What is the Global Goals Centre?

The Global Goal centre aims to inspire and educate people with our ground-breaking projects and informative resource hub. We want to encourage positive action and behaviour change towards the Global Goals at an individual level.

We also recognise that the goals can only be met if we work together in partnership. That's why our partners are at the heart of what we do. 

Green Influencer team in Bristol working towards achieveing the Global Sustainable Development Goals.