Business Partners

Business Partners

Our Founding Supporters scheme

It’s always exciting when your plans and vision resonate with others isn’t it? We’re searching for organisations and businesses that want to help us create the world’s first visitor and education experience themed on the Sustainable Development Goals here in Bristol, by investing in the vision as one of our Founding Supporters.

Interested? What does being a Founding Supporter mean? We ask for your financial support (minimum donation of £5,000) and to act as an advocate for the project in your sphere of influence. In return, the Global Goals Centre will:

  • Help you deliver your Corporate Responsibility and community investment objectives and contribute to the Global Goals.
  • Enhance your employee engagement programme by offering immersive SDG-themed staff training, volunteering opportunities and team-building events
  • Invest in your future workforce by upskilling the next generation about vital issues and how to find solutions
  • Explore with you how your support could be tied into a specific element of our work that resonates with your business.
  • Raise your profile by showcasing your progress on the SDGs, sharing your and your partners’ best practise solutions and provide you with our logo and tailored content to share with your stakeholders and online to demonstrate your support

We’re delighted to announce the first of our exclusive Founding Supporters – Engie Services Ltd

They are fully committed to a zero carbon future by developing low carbon infrastructure and the development of wind and solar. They are keen to work with us to increase their work on the SDGs and to educate and inspire their staff team about the Global Goals.

“ENGIE are delighted to be a Founding Supporter of the Global Goals Centre. As a signatory to the Global Goals Compact, ENGIE understand the power of education and this initiative, framed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, compliments our own Schools Zero programme and our stated ambition to help shape places and their communities and lead the transition to net zero carbon.”

Mathew Jellings, Business Development Director, explains why Engie are supporting the Global Goals Centre

Want to join the party? Contact Jenny Foster, Project Lead, 07970-878337 to discuss what a partnership with your business could look like

Our Projects


Sparks Bristol

Visit Sparks Bristol, an innovative hub of sustainability, creativity and education in the heart of Bristol.

Learn about the journey of your clothes with THREADS interactive game.

Threads Game

Our interactive game takes you on a journey that reveals the impact of fast fashion on people and planet.

Earth Day Heroes 2025 (5)

Earth Day Heroes

We’re calling on young people with a passion for the planet to enter our exciting competition to raise awareness and take action on environmental issues.