Our trustees
Our trustees

Steve Roser, Chair
Steve is an academic and scientist from the University of Bath, with a longstanding interest in development education and politics. He was a founder member of Bristol Link with Nicaragua (BLINC) in 1986.
Along with Jenny Foster and Alix Hughes, he helped kickstart the Global Goals Centre in 2018, and was awarded the Lord Mayor of Bristol's International Medal in 2019 for services to international development.

Simon Garrett
Simon spent 32 years at Bristol Zoological Society, latterly as Head of Public Engagement across the Society's two sites, leading a large team doing engagement of all types. He became fascinated by the possibility of achieving wildlife conservation outcomes through people - encouraging and enabling wildlife-positive social change. This included developing and delivering masters degree modules on 'Communication for Conservation' in conjunction with UWE Bristol. Simon was also actively engaged with the Natural History Consortium, serving on the steering group and Communicate conference committee. Simon now works for Nature Positive, a consultancy working with businesses large and small, assessing their impact on nature and the wider environment and helping them to make their impact positive. He is driven by creating positive change for the benefit of climate, nature and people.

Esther Deans MBE
Esther has 25 years teaching experience and believes that education is the key to ensuring we create the world we want to live in. She is an expert in education and equalities as former Chair of SARI, Chair of SACRE, and part of the Commission on Religious Education to advise the government on the RE curriculum.
She still teaches full time and is also part of 12 Mayoral Commissioners for CORE, Chair of REEG (Race Equality in Education Group), and Education Lead in the One Bristol Curriculum.

Caroline Pitt
As an Architect and Urban Development Planner, Caroline has become an expert on sustainability issues in the built environment. Caroline worked for 10 years in Mozambique, designing social infrastructure for urban populations as well as rural refugee resettlement, including the effects of climate change, in particular rising sea level and severe weather events, on vulnerable communities. Since her return to the UK in 2001, Caroline has become a specialist in contemporary school design, giving her valuable insights into the learning environment.

Jo Eades
After spending several years teaching English abroad, Jo spent much of her early career working with youth development organisations, with a focus on young people at risk, culminating in being Country Director (Belize) for Raleigh International. Jo spent 18 years as a Relationship Manager with Business in the Community, the Prince’s Responsible Business Network, working with private companies of all sectors and sizes, across the south west and beyond, to further their sustainability and progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. She now has a Corporate Partnerships role with the charity Unseen, who work to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking.

Lisa Sargood
Lisa is passionate about the natural world and environment. She holds a degree in Biology and an MPhil in Environment and Development. Lisa was a BBC Digital Exec Producer and Commissioner with responsibility for the global digital platforms BBC Nature, BBC Science and BBC Earth, winning many awards, including two BAFTAs and an International Emmy. She recently consulted on impact and engagement for the Green Planet digital campaign. Lisa now runs her own consultancy, focusing on digital behaviour, transformation and innovation. Lisa is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and committed to supporting social inclusion and equality of opportunity for all.

Tara Miran
Tara's most cherished and important role in life is being a mother to three little children. In addition to this, she has worked in areas of research, community organising, engagement and development, green spaces, women's health, women's equality and race equalities.
Tara is passionate about initiating local initiatives to bring people together to take social action and celebrate togetherness. Inclusion, diversity, social justice, equality and equity to opportunities and services are threads that run through all her work and projects.

Alix Hughes, Co-Founder
Alix Hughes has been working in international relations for over 25 years including developing Bristol’s seven twin city relationships. Currently part of the City Council international team, he speaks several languages and is a qualified youth and community worker.
Alix has led Fairtrade educational projects, art installations on social justice issues and international peace visits.

Jo Dainton
With a background in reuse and the Circular Economy Jo brings knowledge and experience of resource management to Global Goals. Jo set up the Reuse team at Bristol Waste Company; opening three Reuse Shops at Bristol’s Recycling Centres which have diverted hundreds of tonnes of items from the waste stream since opening in 2020. In this role Jo also built a network of volunteers and shared best practice in reuse across local authority networks in the UK.
Jo has recently joined the University of the West of England as the Head of Circular Economy and Responsible Consumption and has become a Chartered Waste Manager through CIWM.