Ensuring the wellbeing and rights of disabled people across Bristol

Ensuring the wellbeing and rights of disabled people across Bristol
Our Hero – Dan Bourton
We nominated Dan because as soon as the first lockdown started he began running the peer support sessions online every day of the week, quite expecting not to be paid for it (his contract is based on one (face to face) peer support session per week).
He was even running them on weekend days and when on annual leave! In addition, he also goes ‘above and beyond’ in supporting peer support beneficiaries outside of peer support meetings – even going round to someone’s house to check they are OK.
What can I do?
Everyone can be aware of others wellbeing – look out for elderly neighbours who may need help or company, don’t park over dropped kerbs, and read and sign up to the Bristol Disability Equality Forum manifesto

About the Nominating Organisation – Bristol Equality Forum

Bristol Equality Forum works to ensure the wellbeing and rights of disabled people across Bristol through:
- peer support groups;
- a signposting service;
- a tablet lending and support service;
- an outreach project to support people who have become unconfident/scared of mixing with others, due to repeated lockdowns;
- setting up a new Accessible Walking Group (called Roll and Stroll);
- promoting co-production by and with Disabled people in Bristol;
- ensuring Disabled people have have access to health and support services, by advising providers on accessibility;
- supporting Disabled people to self-advocate;
- supporting and encouraging Disabled people to become activists in one way or another e.g. providing opportunities for them to listen to, and challenge, decision-makers about their needs, priorities and whether decisions made are inclusive or excluding; and
- representing Disabled people in discussions with decision-makers, working groups, consultations etc.
In short, providing support and enabling them to get their voices heard.
We are also one of the very few organisations that are wholly Disabled people led and controlled, at all levels – trustees, staff, volunteers and voting membership.
Goal 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing
Our Hero is working towards Global Goal 3. This Goal aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages