Our Hero – Kirsty Hammond
BEN has nominated Kirsty Hammond as our hero. Kirsty works for an incredible community organisation called Heart of BS13 as their ‘Climate Action Development Practitioner’. She works across her neighbourhood supporting the production of a community climate action plan. She supports volunteers and participants to build skills and confidence as they start their climate journey. This is incredibly important work as we need the community on board to achieve the goal of a clean, sustainable, and fair energy system that works for everyone.
Kirsty was involved in our COVID-19 Emergency Winter Fund as a key champion helping to get the message out there of the needs of her community across Bristol so they could be supported to have access to energy during these difficult times. BEN continues to support BS13 in its mission towards NetZero and end fuel poverty joining up with other members activities across the city to make this happen.
What can I do?
An incredible group of volunteers and ‘Energy Champions’ lie at the heart of BEN, assisting on projects and spreading the word about clean and fair energy. The vision is for every neighbourhood in Bristol to have a local person to turn to for energy advice, a person who would champion energy saving in their community and signpost to specialist advice.
Why don’t you become and ‘Energy Champion’ for your area or community? Or Become a member?
Come along to one of our open meetings to learn more about what we do and who are members are- everyone is welcome!
Check out our website and sign up to our newsletter for details of upcoming events and meetings: www.bristolenergynetwork.org
Help us create a clean, green and fair Bristol!

About the Nominating Organisation – Bristol Energy Network

Energy is an important aspect of all our lives. We use energy, such as electricity and gas, to heat our homes and buildings, heat water, cook our food and much more. However, our current energy system is not working for everyone.
Bristol Energy Network is an umbrella organisation for individuals and community groups with an interest in energy in Bristol and the surrounding area. BEN has over twenty member groups including neighbourhood energy groups, citywide energy groups with technical and innovation skills, and community anchor organisations who know and serve their communities. BEN aims to connect these groups so we can all work together towards the shared goal of a clean and fair energy system.
BEN are involved in many different energy projects, including assisting people struggling to pay their energy bills, advising people on how to reduce their energy use and raising money for and installing community-owned renewable energy projects. They have also been integral in the development of social enterprises such as the C.H.E.E.S.E project that have created unique Thermal Imaging techniques and Ambition Community Energy who have secured planning permission for the tallest on shore wind turbine in England with the profits from the energy generated going back into the community.
Goal 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
Our Hero is working towards Global Goal 7. This Goal aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all