Our Hero – El Walker
One person in Bristol who undoubtedly delivers quality education on a daily basis is our nomination and local hero: El Walker. El is super passionate about sustainability and empowering her eco team to make a real difference. Their passion and influence is clearly visible not only at their school, Victoria Park, where despite being an inner city school in a busy, traffic polluted area manages to be a green oasis but also in the wider community.
Thanks to El, sustainability and an appreciation of the natural world permeates practically every aspect of school life, it is not a ‘bolt on’ but part of the quality education delivered across the school. There is no doubt that every year she teaches there she is influencing the next generation of eco activists: young people who will lead by example and not be afraid to stand up and be counted for what they believe in.
What can I do?
Sustainable Hive’s latest project, Treasure Your River, will see them taking to the water on the one of the world’s first plastic fishing boats made from 99% recycled plastic bottles, dancing their way round the harbour on silent disco litter picks and even paddle boarding on boards made entirely from plastic bottles. Join the crew!
Another great way to help is to avoid using single-use plastics and always recycle!

About the nominator – Sustainable Hive CIC

Here at Sustainable Hive CIC quality education (SDG4) is our whole reason for existing; as teachers ourselves it forms the backbone of everything we do. We believe quality education and sustainability make for a powerful mix and so we are always looking to work with businesses, organisations, schools and individuals who want to explore what is possible.
With that in mind, we provide a free website brimming full of National Curriculum linked lesson plans for teachers covering so many ideas such as creating a sustainable city in DT, building your very own wind turbine, getting arty and outdoorsy to make natural mandalas or maybe even holding a meaty debate on the plastics issue.
But of course, quality education doesn’t just have to be in the classroom or school grounds – it can happen ANYWHERE and at ANY AGE!
Goal 4 – Quality Education
Our Hero is working towards Global Goal 4. This Goal aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.