• For Educators

Waste less, save more with Fab Food

Learn how to reduce food waste and save money with Sainsbury's Fab Food Resources - ideal for assembly, class or an after-school club!



Type of Resource

Resource Pack

Age Group

11-14, 14-16, 16+, 5-7, 7-11


Sainbury's (2017)

Fab Food
Fab Food
  • For Educators

Waste less, save more with Fab Food



Type of Resource

Resource Pack

Age Group

11-14, 14-16, 16+, 5-7, 7-11


Sainbury's (2017)

About this resource

Waste less, save more with Sainsbury’s Fab Food programme! Fab Food is a step-by-step programme designed to help children, schools and families reduce their food waste and save more money. This ready-to-use plan can be adapted for use in assembly, class or even after-school clubs and has links to key curriculum areas including maths, english, science and design & technology.

Why we recommend this resource

Developed by Sainsbury’s and the Environmental Education Team at South Derbyshire District Council, this resource has been succesfully trailled in local primary schools with great results! The detailed guide is easy-to-follow and breaks down the programme into four simple steps, each educating children about their responsibilities in relational to food waste. This handy programme also includes a curriculum guide explaining how these steps can be integrated into subjects and lessons already on the curriculum.

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Goals met by this resource

2: Zero Hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
12: Responsible Consumption & Production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.