• For Businesses

Pineapple fibre textiles

Use of Pineapple fibre for sustainable alternatives in the textile and fashion industry.


Fast Fashion

Type of Resource



Sustainable Fashion Collective

  • For Businesses

Pineapple fibre textiles


Fast Fashion

Type of Resource



Sustainable Fashion Collective

About this resource

This resource explains how the practice of cultivating Pineapple fibre textiles has been recently revived in order to provide the world with more sustainable fibre options.

Why we recommend this resource

This article explains how Pineapple fibre is made, what it can be used for, how it needs to be taken care of and finally where you could purchase them. It’s a brief and informative article that raises awareness about one of the multiple sustainable fibre options available for consumption, making it a relevant resource in a world driven by fast fashion and wasteful textiles.

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Goals met by this resource

9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
12: Responsible Consumption & Production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.