• For Everyone

How dependent are garment workers on clothing companies?

Two garment workers tell their stories of the impact of being laid off from factories that they were once dependent on.


Fast Fashion, Human Rights & Labour

Type of Resource



Clean Clothes Campaign

How to steal your workers future
How to steal your workers future
  • For Everyone

How dependent are garment workers on clothing companies?


Fast Fashion, Human Rights & Labour

Type of Resource



Clean Clothes Campaign

About this resource

Garment workers around the world were robbed of almost half a billion dollars when factories shut down during the COVID pandemic. This is because garment workers are greatly dependent on large companies that don’t always treat their workers fairly. Watch this powerful portrayal of the long-term devestation that severance theft caused for garment workers and their families, from two women speaking first-hand about their experiences being laid off from factories they were once dependent on.

Why we recommend this resource

This powerful video gives garment workers a voice to speak first-hand about the injustices they have experienced since being laid off from factories they were dependent on. Created by leading garment worker rights organisation, Clean Clothes Campaign, this captivating video highlights the devestating impact of severance theft and educates about the importance of workers rights.

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1: No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
8: Decent Work & Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
10: Reduced Inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries.