• For Businesses
  • For Educators

Good Life Goals

Simple actions and lifestyle changes for everyone to help contribute towards the global goals.


Climate, Food, Nature

Type of Resource

Resource Pack

Age Group

14-16, 16+


Futerra and the United Nations 10YFP

GoodLife Goals
GoodLife Goals
  • For Businesses
  • For Educators

Good Life Goals


Climate, Food, Nature

Type of Resource

Resource Pack

Age Group

14-16, 16+


Futerra and the United Nations 10YFP

About this resource

The Good Life Goals are a set of 85 actions (5 per goal) that an individual can take to help society progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. This Site includes multiple forms of resources including a business guide, emoji for each of the goals, flash cards, social media toolkit and a media library.

Why we recommend this resource

We recommend this resource as it is a great way to take personal action and to teach others about how they are able to engage with the SDGs in easy and affordable ways.

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Goals met by this resource

All Goals
Resources that cover all 17 of the Global Goals.