Our partners

Partnerships are an essential part of how we work. We’re proud to be supported by these organisations.

Our partners

Partnerships are an essential part of how we work. We’re proud to be supported by these organisations.

Core Support Partners

African Voices Forum
Black 2 Nature
Bristol Ideas
Bristol Green Capital Partnership
Bristol One City
Future Economy Network
Project Everyone
Teach SDGs
University of Bristol
University of the West of England

Project funders

Delivery partners

Avast Foundation
University of the West of England
Climate Change Education Research Network

Project funders

Heritage Lottery Fund
Bristol City of Film
NJL Charitable Trust
NJL Charitable Trust
John James Bristol Foundation
Rank Foundation
Van Neste Foundation

Delivery partners

Bristol Refugee Rights
University of Bristol
University of the West of England
Project Mama
Bristol Waste
2 Feet Below
Bristol Refugee Artists Collective
Bristol City of Sanctuary

With thanks to

MShed Bristol
The Galleries

Project funders

West of England Combined Authority
John James Bristol Foundation
Quartet Foundation

Delivery partners

Labour Behind The Label
Conscious Fashion Campaign
Fashion Revolution
The Good Wardrobe
University of the West of England

Project funders

University of Bristol
Bristol Beacon

Delivery partners

Bristol Beacon
Centre for Sustainable Energy
Bristol Green Capital Partnership
Heart of BS13

Project funders

Delivery partners

Bristol City Council
Bristol Beacon
Bristol 24/7
Global Goals Centre
Global Goals Centre

In partnership with

Artspace Lifespace

Delivery partners

Bristol City Council
Womble Bond Dickinson
Alec French Architects

Partner with us

Partnerships are an essential part of the way we work. We'd love you to join the line-up of organisations supporting our work.

Get in touch today to find out how a partnership can help you deliver the Global Goals.

Meet the team


Our team


Our trustees

Version 3

Our ambassadors


Young Advisors Group